Our Services
We can provide directions and assistance in the following areas:
In Home Assessment
Physical Health
Mental, Emotional and Cognitive Health
Social Support and Family Structure
Home Safety
We will first conduct a comprehensive in-home assessment and evaluation to help determine
physical, psychosocial, social and emotional needs.We will also identify strengths and
Coordination of Care
Medical needs and appointments
Medication reconciliation
Home Care
Once an assessment is completed and a comprehensive Care Plan is developed based on
individual needs we will coordinate all the care, the services and placement options.
We schedule appointments,arrange transportation and accompany clients to community
Legal Assessment
Advanced directives
Health Care Proxy
Power of Attorney
We can assess needed supportive services and initiate referrals to trusted, qualified professionals, such as physicians, mental health services, elder care attorneys, realtors, and financial planners.
Financial Assessment
Bill payment
Money Management
Benefits and Entitlements
Insurance filing
We can assist with bill/statement reviewing and paying, writing checks or setting up electronic payment services, and medical/insurance claims filing.
Respite Care
Crisis Intervention
Team Liaison
Funeral and end of life planning
We offer clients and their families peace of mind with our 24/7 availability to help manage difficult and urgent situations such as medical or home emergencies.
We provide oversight and advocacy during medical appointments to ensure that your loved one’s medical team gets critical patient information and that physicians’ orders are properly obtained, and we facilitate communication with the client’s family.
Care Management
Routine Visits
We provide ongoing monitoring and advocacy to help seniors maintain the highest possible
level of independence in a facility or independent setting.This includes ongoing communication with family members, healthcare providers, in-home services, and other professionals.